Where We Serve
Properties within a 30-minute drive of Alexandria, Minnesota ~
Can you drive from your property to Big Ole in 30 minutes or less?
If so, you are in our primary service area.
Further away? We may be able to provide the service you need, understanding that a further distance may result in additional travel charge and a longer response time to attend to a need at your property.
If so, you are in our primary service area.
Further away? We may be able to provide the service you need, understanding that a further distance may result in additional travel charge and a longer response time to attend to a need at your property.
Communities: Alexandria, Carlos, Lake Carlos State Park, Miltona, Garfield, Kensington, Legrand, Holmes City, Forada, Nelson, Osakis.
Lakes: Lake Carlos, Lake Miltona, Lake Latoka, Lake Darling, Little Lake Darling, Lake Cowdrey, Lake Brophy, Lake Victoria, Lake Geneva, Lake Le Homme Dieu, Lake Ida, Lake Jesse, Lake Bergen, Lake Mary, Lake Andrew, Lobster Lake, Maple Lake, Lake Henry, Lake Agnes, Lake Winona.
Lakes: Lake Carlos, Lake Miltona, Lake Latoka, Lake Darling, Little Lake Darling, Lake Cowdrey, Lake Brophy, Lake Victoria, Lake Geneva, Lake Le Homme Dieu, Lake Ida, Lake Jesse, Lake Bergen, Lake Mary, Lake Andrew, Lobster Lake, Maple Lake, Lake Henry, Lake Agnes, Lake Winona.
Do you need service in an area of Minnesota that TLC Home Watch doesn't cover? We are a proud member of the Minnesota Home Watch Collaborative and work closely with these other great NHWA Accredited companies! Click here to find a provider in your area!
Email: [email protected] |
Proudly serving the lakes area surrounding
Alexandria, Minnesota |
(c)2024 TLC Home Watch ~ All Rights Reserved